Posts Tagged ‘Hack Space’

Hello World – Blink.

October 5, 2009

Welcome to Ourduino. It’s been a long time coming, and I hope we have fun together.

I’ll be writing about the Arduino experiments we’ve been doing at Whitley Abbey School in Coventry, Birmingham Hack Space, and my ‘lab’.

I gain inspiration and energy from friends, the school students, my friends and colleagues at, the Birmingham Hackspace, fizzPop, the Open Source community, especially the Arduino community, and last, but definitely not least, the Imagineering Web charity.

I found using Arduino so liberating that I hope to tempt other folks into experimenting with Arduino’s. It’d be great if you’d like to get involved helping others use this type of technology. If you live in this area of the UK, come join us at Birmingham Hackspace.

Some of my posts will explain practical projects – making electronics and programming micro-controllers. I hope you will improve anything you find here, and share it with all of us.

One of the projects will be the Nikon Infrared Remote Control we built at the Birmingham Hack Space, fizzPop.

I’ll also describe the “Introduction to Robotics” experimental projects we’ve built at school too.

Blink? Blink is the ‘Hello World’ of embedded programming 🙂

PS – I’ll set up my Ourduino domain when I get around to it.